Popular Non-profit Humanitarian Organization Save The Nation, Inc founded by Ambassador Minister Giileh Kebbie Scholz, a philanthropist, actress, and decorated gospel musician, continues their massive medical supply distributions nationwide to various hospitals. The organization is dedicated to serving the less privileged and needy in our community. Our mission is to provide essential resources, support, and opportunities to those facing economic, social, and health challenges.
On January 20th 2024 SAVE THE NATION TEAM went to Lumley Government Hospital, one of the biggest Hospitals in Freetown and donated some medical supplies such as surgical gloves, scrubs, sanitizers etc.

During the donations, a few of their medical staff explain some of the challenges they’re going through, such as the lack of medical essential tools in the hospital, etc. However, the donation to the Lumley Government Hospital was absolutely timely, and a prompting gesture by the SAVE THE NATION Organization said the staff, as they were in need of that medical equipment and they came in at the right time. Therefore, the management of the hospital expresses overwhelming gratitude to Ambassador Giileh and her organization.
In a nutshell, the Lumley Government Hospital hopes to receive such donations in future from the SAVE THE NATION ORGANIZATION as they are facing enormous challenges as a public hospital.
If you would like to make a donation or you want to request further information, kindly contact Ambassador Giileh or Donate here
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